ISO Management

As a preferred UKAS-accredited certification body, We offer impartial audits and assessments to a range of International Standards. From ISO 9001 Quality Management, our certifications are applicable across a vast range of industries and sectors. Browse our ISO Management Systems to find the right certification for your business...

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Quality Management

ISO 9001 is the international Standard for Quality Management, helping your organisation to provide products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations.

With over one million certified organisations worldwide, ISO 9001 is one of the most popular business improvement tools available. As a preferred UKAS-accredited body, we offer impartial, robust and cost effective audits of your Quality Management System, leading to ISO 9001 certification for your organisation

Achieving ISO 9001 certification with ThePertain may make you better and able to perform below:

  • Win more business
  • Produce better products and services
  • Ensure the safety and quality of products, services and consumers, as well as your staff
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